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Personal Injury Claims Process

Personal Injury Claims Process

Taking the decision to make a claim following an accident and go through the personal injury claims process, whether it is a road traffic accident or an accident at work, can be a difficult one to make. There are many points you should consider and it may help you to make this decision if you understand a bit more about the process involved.

Can You Claim For Your Serious Injury?

There are more than 3 million people in the UK who are injured in accidents every year and in order to be able to claim compensation for your injuries it is essential to demonstrate that the accident was a result of someone else’s negligence. We can tell you quickly if you have a claim with a good chance of success and we also offer a free initial consultation to discuss your accident circumstances.

Choosing The Right Critical Injury Solicitor

It is essential to choose the right solicitor when making a personal serious or critical injury claim, particularly if your injuries are life-changing. The law is complex and in order to ensure that you get the best possible outcome in your claim, you need a solicitor who is a specialist in that area of personal injury law.

Many insurance companies will try to persuade you that you do not need legal representation, but the Law Society says that by using a solicitor in a personal injury claim, you will receive on average two or three times more than you would making the claim yourself.

CCH & Co. Solicitors have been helping people who have been injured in accidents claim compensation for many years, and we can help you too.

What Accident Information Do I Need To Provide My Solicitor?

It is really important that we understand the circumstances of your accident in detail as this will help us to be clear about the prospects of your claim. We will arrange a medical examination for you at a convenient time and location for you. This medical examination will help us to understand your injuries and your recovery prognosis too. Serious injury values are based on a sliding scale, depending on how serious they are and how likely you are to fully recover. We can give you a rough idea of what your injury is worth, but you may be awarded more or less than our estimate.

You will also need to provide proof of any loss of earnings or expenses you have incurred due to your accident, such as prescription costs, medication or physiotherapy costs. We may want to check your insurance documents and will also need details of any other accidents or claims you have already made.

Your Accident Claim

There is an online claims portal which should speed up the personal injury claims process, but there are certain criteria that your claim must meet in order for it to be eligible for this portal. Your claim will follow a series of steps, with specific timescales in place and providing all goes smoothly, your claim will be processed faster.

Whilst the claims process is slower outside of the online portal, the outcome will be no different. We will be able to keep you informed of how your claim is progressing and whether it is in or out of the online portal, which can happen at any point in your claim.

Injury Claim Settlement

We can provide you with an approximate value of your claim right at the start of your claim. Your medical report will enable us to have a better idea of the value of your claim and once we are happy we have all the information we need and that you are fully recovered from your injuries, we will start to negotiate a settlement. If we do not feel that we are getting reasonable offers from the other side, we may suggest that going to court is the next step so a judge to decide what a fair award will be.

Common Serious Injury Claim Questions

not surprisingly, there are a huge range of questions our clients ask in connection with their accident claim. Some typical ones include the following. Click on any one to reach the details:


What Can I Expect From CCH & Co.?

We know how important it is to keep you informed at every stage of your claim and we will provide you with updates on a regular basis. One of the benefits of using CCH & Co. is that we only employ qualified solicitors, unlike other personal injury firms who use unqualified claims handlers to process their client’s compensation claim. This means you benefit from a team of highly skilled and experienced serious injury solicitors to manage your claim.

It is important that we keep you happy and in order to do this, we promise to always have a friendly, but professional approach when discussing your claim with you, and never to use legal jargon either.

Contact Us Today

If you would like to contact us about making an accident claim or to discuss what's involved in the accident claims process, you can call us on 020 8520 1021  and one of our team will be happy to help.

Otherwise, you can complete our Free Online Enquiry and we’ll be in touch shortly to discuss the circumstances around the accident and the personal injury claims process we can help you with.

Personal Injury Services

Use the form below to contact us about your personal injury related queries.

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Or, if you prefer, call us on:
020 8520 1021

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This firm is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.



Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co is a long-established firm. In 2022 we were proud to announce the acquisition of local personal injury specialists Romain Coleman Solicitors who were established in 1964.


Office hours:   Mon-Fri, 9:30am-5:30pm

Telephone: 020 8520 1021

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Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co

277 Hoe Street Walthamstow



E17 9PL