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Tel: 020 8520 1021.

Motorcycle Accident Claims Solicitor

The Thrill Of The Ride

There’s a certain rugged romance about the motorcycle. Some say it’s the speed, not just moving quickly but feeling the wind confirm it as it blasts past you. Others would claim the noise is more important, that no radio will beat the roar of an engine right underneath you. Whatever the reason, one thing is clear: the bond between rider and machine is an especially strong one.

You have to admit: there’s something special about a motorcycle ride, a feeling of exhilaration that no average motorist can understand. It’s just rider and bike, no distractions, no restrictions, feeling every acceleration, every banking turn and burst of power.

Unfortunately, they are also vulnerable to every mistake made by their larger counterparts on the road. A trivial fender-bender for a motorist just means a visit to the workshop, but it can spell major disaster for the motorcycle rider, who is protected by little more than leather and a fibreglass helmet.

Given the statistics for motorcycle accidents, it’s not hard to see why a motorcyclist would be prudent to have a motorcycle claims solicitor like Romain Coleman on their checklist.

Did you know?

  • 5,197 motorcyclists were killed or seriously injured due to motorcycle accidents in 2013
  • A motorcycle rider is 57 times more likely to die in an accident than a car driver
  • A motorcyclist is 5 times more likely to be injured than a car driver

One crash, two perspectives

In a crash between a motorcycle and a car, particularly where a car pulls out in front of the motorcycle, the motorist may try to evade liability by suggesting that the motorcycle was speeding. All too often though, the driver has simply failed to check for the motorcycle and was caught by surprise only when the collision occurs. They then self-servingly attribute the accident to speeding on the motorcycle’s part.

Throw into the mix an insurance company who wants to avoid a big payout, and it becomes a case of ‘he says, she says’. Unfortunately for the motorcyclist, they are often in a poor position to fight their case, as they tend to suffer more grievous injuries than their car driving counterpart.

Faced with the anguish of a loved one left incapacitated by the accident, for many families a legal fight seems like another problem that should be avoided. When looking at the potential court hearings, the efforts of adversarial insurance companies and legal representatives, it can seem easier to let it go. But it’s not fair, and we don’t believe accident claims should be like this.

CCH & Co., motorcycle accident claims solicitors

At Romain Coleman, we’ve seen it all before. We’re no stranger to the insurance companies and legal opposition arguing that the motorcyclist was at fault for the accident.

We’ve vigorously pursued accident claims on behalf of our motorcyclist clients, successfully delivering the compensation they and their families deserve, whether they have sustained catastrophic injuries or passed on. We can get you the motorcycle accident claim settlement needed to put you back on your feet.

If you or a family member have been involved in a serious motorcycle accident, and need representation to pursue motorcycle accident claims, CCH & Co. is just phone call away.

Call us on 020 8520 1021 , or you can fill out our Free Online Enquiry Form.

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020 8520 1021

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Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co is a long-established firm. In 2022 we were proud to announce the acquisition of local personal injury specialists Romain Coleman Solicitors who were established in 1964.


Office hours:   Mon-Fri, 9:30am-5:30pm

Telephone: 020 8520 1021

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Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co

277 Hoe Street Walthamstow



E17 9PL