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Tel: 020 8520 1021.
The summer holidays are over and everyone is getting back into the flow of school and work. Unfortunately, there are those didn’t have as straightforward a holiday as they had hoped.
Having an accident on holiday can leave you more stressed than before you left. Not only will your holiday be ruined but, depending on the injury, you may have to return home early and possibly at your own expense. It could also lead to you having to take time off from work so you can recover.
When this happens, you’re going to want to receive compensation for the accident that ruined your holiday. This is where we step in. CCH & Co. can give legal advice on the holiday accident claim you want to make and assist you in making it a successful one.
The first thing to know is that there is a time limit which depends on who you booked your holiday through, where it happened, and how it happened. If your accident or illness occurred on a package holiday you have up to 3 years to begin legal proceedings, starting from when the incident happened. You have 2 years if your accident or illness occurred onboard a boat or plane, providing the journey was between 2 countries.
If you were in a car accident on holiday you will have to make your compensation claim in that country. But don’t worry, our team of dedicated solicitors will help you with making the claim so you aren’t alone. As time limits for making accident claims vary in each country, it would be best to contact us right away so we can get started on getting you the compensation you deserve.
Stomach bugs - check with your trip advisor or hotel that the tap water is safe to drink. Just because the locals are drinking the tap water, that doesn’t make it safe for you to drink. Keep in mind that other countries treat water differently and the alternative chemicals may not sit right with your stomach. The same precautions apply to food; make sure that you eat in sanitary locations and stay away from raw foods that are likely to be washed in the tap water.
Traffic accidents - if you’re a pedestrian in a foreign country, don’t take the same risks when crossing the road as you do when you’re at home. Traffic rules vary from country to country so it is best to find a safe place to cross and be patient. If you’re hiring a vehicle like a moped, wear a helmet at all times. For any motorist, you should make sure you know the rules of the road like the back of your hand.
Getting sick - To avoid getting sick, make sure you go to your local GP well in advance and ask what kind of vaccinations you may need and what to be cautious of. Be aware that even with an EHIC card in the EU, you can still be billed for treatment.
Our expert solicitors will help you to make a holiday accident claim and receive the compensation that you rightfully deserve. If you want to talk about how we can help you make a successful holiday accident claim, call us on 020 8520 1021 or use our contact form here. We would be more than happy to help you with your case.